Friday, May 01, 2009

Bass Fishing Tournament

Tomorrow, my husband (Danny) and his friends will be entering this fishing tournament, Uncle Jesse's Big Bass Classic on Pat Mayse Lake. This is the first year we have had a boat. I hope he does good and has a great time making memories with his buds. A prize would be nice, too. He loves to bass fish.

I haven't been bass fishing this year yet. I have been so busy doing other things. Working out, chauffering the kids, playing my banjo, shopping, planting, cooking, cleaning. You know the routine. Last year, I happen to hold the record among all of our friends for catching the biggest bass - 6 lbs. I caught it and then didn't go back all season. I was like "Wheh! - Snakes, I'm done." This picture was taken on 6-3-08. It was HOT!

1 comment:

dodo said...'s really nice you have your own boat to go fishing, that sea bass you're holding is huge!!