Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Blanket Number 2 Finished

I started this blanket on Friday evening. I worked most of the day Saturday on it and could have finished Saturday night, but I ran out of yarn three rows before finishing. Isn't that my luck? So, I finished it on Sunday.

This was a super easy Granny Square Baby Blanket. This is not traditional colors. I am trying to reuse some of my prettier colors since I have a lot of scrap yarn. This blanket was made with an I hook and measures to be a 36" square. Two of my color choices were the Vanna Yarn. I really do love that and can tell the difference in softness.


Here is another shot of it from a different angle.


I started the third blanket shortly after finishing this one. I am reusing more of these colors, again. The one I am working on now looks like a Log Cabin quilt. It comes out of the Vanna book I have. It says it is easy, but it seems hard because you are supposed to turn your work 90 degrees every 3 rows. It's a learning experience for me.


Beth said...

oh cool! it's like one giant granny square. very pretty! i like it. =)

Beth said...

i'll have to post some pictures soon. they're gigantic!

kaseybobasey said...

I'm so glad you like Brand New! I'm crazy addicted to them...and if you really listen to the words, they are a trip! I love new music so if you have any tips for me...I'd love to hear them! :)

dodo said...

I've never knit a crochet before but I'm really surprised you can finish knitting one blanket so soon, thought it would take more than a week to make one.

dodo said...

I just saw the videos of you playing Banjo. At first, I thought it's native American thing but after checking Wikipedia, it's actually for Africans. The music sounds really unique, like ancient or cowboy kind of music, first time hearing this kind of music, really cool!

Merit said...

thank you dreamer. I used to play bluegrass but am more into the openback banjo playing that associated with folk music. It is called clawhammer. It's relaxing.